A LOOK INTO OUR WORKSHOP // bacteria club
‘We work with bacteria to create the right conditions and let them do their thing…’ ‘As we know, some bacteria can be dangerous. But having NO bacteria would simply mean NO LIFE’
Don’t forget to burp!
We had a great couple of workshops where Social Pickle opened up a discussion on bacteria, and we thought about what bacteria means to us. We learnt about ‘good’ bacteria and then got our hands dirty by massaging cabbage to make our very own sauerkraut! Intentions for the New Year were set as we prepared and squeezed our cabbage, ending with a letter written to our new bacteria friends and thinking what they may say in reply.
We then had a taste testing session and tried products that Social Pickle has made themselves, including chestnut cheese, kombucha and dark chocolate!
We then reflected on how we are connected to our food and how we can mindfully move forward with the new knowledge we had on fermentation. Striving towards an ethos of food creativity and food waste-less world!
Many thanks to Social Pickle for their leadership and sharing of knowledge – and for friends who want to try your own sauerkraut…
Don’t forget to burp!
About Social Pickle
Social Pickle brings people together to share the joys of foraging, pickling and producing. Harnessing the seasons and the surplus of Sheffield, they channel the flavours of the city and share it out in jar-sized portions. Social Pickle explores fermentation as a human and non-human collaborative process, seeking to create better access to nutritious food and create less damaging practices to the planet. The process is one of shared learning, and they see it as a space for community members to empower each other through knowledge and build resilience.

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